Mission Publicization
[Mission School] 22.11.05. The End of Mission School Basic Training Course
writer: 관리자   |   date: 2022.11.18   |   count: 406


Handong Mission School Basic Training Course has ended with 11.5 (Sat) intensive training!

A total of 130 students participated in this training, and it was a more gracious time, especially with the MNT, the pride of Handong.

In the last training, under the theme of "Self-Discovery and Mission Search" by GMI Director Hwang Hye-ri, we talked about why we go to Handong and why we live, giving students a challenge to focus on "finding their own mission."



In Pastor Yoon Sung-chul's lecture on Call and Obedience, it was a time for many students to decide to live for God again.
God's great grace was in the middle of the mission school when God discovered the missions given to me, decided to obey with faith and committed for God




We thank God for completing five and eight lectures and training within praise and prayer safely.
We sincerely pray that the desire to become closer to God through training and live as a right Christian will continue in the future.
We ask for your prayers and participation in the ongoing Spiritual Training Course.


Praise God, He is the LORD and He did all things! 








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Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
Email: gmi@handong.edu Tel: +82-54-260-1165~1166 Fax: +82-54-260-1179

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