Mission Publicization
[Mission Forum] 22.11.15. "Biblical Mission for North Korea"
writer: 관리자   |   date: 2022.11.15   |   count: 404


"Forgiveness, peace, and the love of Christ are the only keys to solving the North Korea problem"


At the Missionary Forum on November 15, 2022, Dr. Michael Schlutter, the author of The R. Factor, hosted the forum of "North Korea Mission."


Dr. Schlutter is an economist, a social entrepreneur, and a World Bank economist, and at the forum, he gave a valuable challenge to create a "new relationship" with North Korea on biblical values.


In particular, Dr. Schlutter told us about his newly published book that emphasized the need for various exchanges with North Korea, which may be done at the government level, but is sufficiently accessible at the private level, and it is important to understand each other through such exchanges.



However, in the end, he emphasized that the beginning of all problems was "forgiveness," and he said, "I know it is not easy to remember that both Koreas are blessed by God, but "forgiveness" will be the first step.


This week's forum was also a big challenge for the words I sympathize with.

While acknowledging each other's differences, I pray that we will all be more supportive for North Korea, a close and distant country that still has to love and share the gospel.


P.S: Next week, two forums will be held on November 22nd (Tue) Humanitarian and Mission / 24th (Thu) Missionary through Major: NIBC. Thank you :)



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